my website

hi idk how any of this works so im just gonna use this as a public diary in case shit hits the fan. when it comes to html i know next to nothing except from my tumblr days and the very basics from the tutorial. when it comes to how this site will look im telling you it'll look like a word document or worse. thanks.

feb 22 2024

today is kind of stressful. i wont delve too into detail because my life is private and details are for friends and therapists but id like a day where i dont wake up stressed, live stressed, and go to sleep stressed. ive started doing something for it and its saved my life but i wish i could do more . i wish for peace for palestine and for every martyr to seek peace in heaven and for every living soul to find solace. this is my page for today. hopefully i keep this up or this will be a graveyard.

feb 23 2024

today was better. i got my copies of mgs2 and 3 in the mail and played 2 for most of the day. im not very good at the metal gear games but i like them and the story is interesting. it doesnt make sense but im a jojo and yakuza fan and that explains it right there. the games are in japanese though and i dont know much japanese so sometimes they tell me something and i just dont know, lol. i kept getting blown up by these sensor bombs and it was so funny that i couldnt even be mad , like it was slapstick funny . and i completed the photo mission with like 28 seconds left. hal is a pestery bitch but my friend rly likes him so its ok. ill see you soon.

feb 26 2024

sorry for the lack of update. i was taking a break from my computer, my chair was hurting my back. these past 2 days were eventless. not a lot happens in my life anymore. my feelings and thoughts get to me but i dont want to be too open on what those thoughts are, so im trying to distract myself. ever since october last year my life has been a rollercoaster of mostly downs. i cant recall the last time i had such a bad string of months. but this diary is public so i'll keep it to myself.

ive continued to play mgs2 and i cant believe a game this good exists. this is a situation of you just have to play it to understand. ive played mgsv and its good but compared to mgs2 its just. Just Fine. and i have no nostalgia tied to this series so i feel like my feelings are unbiased. i think im about half way through the game so far? maybe 3/4ths. idk. ill keep you all updated on how its going. right now i just saved emma and then she died . and then raiden got caught. thats where im at. ill play either later tonight or tomorrow. i played so much yesterday.

feb 29 2024

i beat mgs2. a game this good should not exist, why is this game not in more top 100/50/10 game lists . why didnt i find it sooner. i started mgs3 and got to ocelot and then stopped bc my back started to hurt, i sit on a beanbag that gives me terrible posture , my tv sits on the floor , i sit like a shrimp. my ps2 chugs like a steam engine when it runs mgs3 Lol it might be the disc it might be the console. when it runs any other game it plays smoothly so it might be the disc. its a pretty chunky game with how much stuff is in it. so i try not to do too much like fiddle with the pictures in the codec(????) calls. anyway.

march 27 2024

i deeply apologize for lack of updates. i just couldnt get on the computer and i refuse to edit from my phone. i developed back pain from playing mgs for so long and just having bad posture period. my days have been fine. these past 3-4 days have been Emotional but i cant delve into it with strangers. its crazy. im currently stuck with mgs3, i have to desgise has raikov but idk how to get his uniform. (im pretty sure ive said it , but im playing the jpn version so if they told me how i didnt pick it up) idek how to choke ppl. i was just running around using cqc(?) in a scientist uniform. also the fury's boss fight was one of the worst things ive ever dealt with. ill say it, these bosses are not very good. i spent two hours fighting The End bc my ps2's internal clock is broken so i couldnt use the trick. horrific !!!!! but i like ocelot hes like one of those european porn stars .

october 9 2024

i greatly apologize for the lack of updates. i had kind of forgotten about this website. i have much to report. i started walking with a man who my family knows and he's an annoying dunce. i do not like him, but because hes connected to my family, i cannot just drop him. he's quite annoying. we went walking last week and he insisted we walk on the wrong side of the road, the side where it was easy for a car to run us both over. it felt so wrong in my brain. i only wanted to take one lap around the block, but we ended up walking for an hour. i need to learn to stand up for myself. he's a short-necked pussy. i finished mgs3 and started mgsV which im just awful at. i started mgs1 too and im not great at that either. this is really all i can think of that isnt too personal. hopefully ill come back.